DIY IDEAS - Camping Edition


Say you are all alone in a dark tent with only a head torch, but who wants to use a head torch and feel like you’re in a horror movie with the limited amount of light the head torch can deliver. So alone, a dark tent, a bad head torch and a translucent milk carton. Simply wrap the head torch strap around the carton and turn the direction of the torch to face into the carton, light will shine through and emit from every corner of the carton, lighting up your tent with bright blinding light.

On the road caffeine is a must, but it is not always easy to bring your large pot of coffee granules with you on your journey into the wilderness. It is definitely not practical to the management of your space. So how do I solve this problem? I hear you ask, well by reusing your old tic-tac boxes they make convenient boxes to easily store all your much needed coffee as well as making dispensing easier than ever. Furthermore you would now be doing your part for the environment, as this is a long-term solution you will not be adding to the overwhelming plastic waste in the world. To do this simply take the lid off the tic-tac container and tip your coffee granules into the empty space then re-lid and store in a convenient space.

Light can make the difference between a good camping trip and a bad one, but you don’t always have access to electricity so it is important to utilise more old school methods of lighting. One of these methods is to have standing candlelights placed around your tent. All you need is small tea-light candles, which are not very expensive and very portable. Next after you have set up your tent find some long grass and weave it in a plait to make a rope. Next gather three relatively same sized and straight sticks roughly a foot long and tie sticks into a tripod with the rope tied around ¾ up the length of the sticks. Next place the candle in the centre of the ticks and now you have a standing light.

Fire is another essential to having a great camping trip as well as eating well, therefore having easy fire starters is necessary, one great and portable sources of kindling is the cotton pads which are used to remove makeup, using 2-3 cotton pads will be and easy way to catch any spark and build it into a fire. If you don’t happen to have any cotton pads, then grab a stick off the floor and a knife or a sharp rock and shave off thin chippings of the branch and combine together to make a ball, this is really flammable and is a natural way to use wood lying around .

If you combine these tips and DIY builds then it will hopefully make your next camping trip easier and more enjoyable.