Travelling Solo, Great Decision or Mistake? So your coming around to the idea of travelling solo, either you have been let down by your friends and fellow travellers or you have been toying with the idea that you may want to take a trip accompanied by the person who knows you best, yourself. In this blog I hope to take you through the pros and the cons of travelling solo and if you decide in the favour of solo travel then where would be a good option. Travelling alone will offer you unlimited freedom; it allows you to be in charge of where you go, what you do and where you eat. You have a greater opportunity to discover the...
Best Things To Do In Fiji: Fiji is full of white sandy beaches, warm water and mystical attractions. Here is our top 5 places to visit in Fiji before the end of your trip. 1 – Visit Dravuni Island, this island is typical Fiji. Whit sand beaches, Friendly locals and crystal clear blue water to dip your toes in and discover the multitude of land attractions. A relatively small island, do not expect to go there for the lively party scene, however if tranquillity is more on your list then this is definitely for you. 2 – Kuata Island is a relatively small island with quite beaches and warm water. Here you can enjoy scuba diving and snorkling and discover...
The Best Burger Toppings You Should Try: Burgers are great, really great. These toppings are great but you need to make sure you have the best ingredients available to make the burgers that extra bit better. 1 – Avocado, Bacon and Sweet Chilli Sauce. Make sure you get good bacon and the crispier the better, unless it starts to burn. 2 – Bacon, Caesar Sauce, Romaine Lettuce and Mozzarella. Basically a Caesar salad on a burger making it refreshing and tasty. 3 – Humus, Cooked peppers, caramelized onions and mozzarella. Make sure to melt the mozzarella onto the burger when grilling the meat. 4 – Cheese and chips, like a next level chip butty. Slice up potatoes into wedges and...
What To Pack Before Going Abroad: Here is a list of the pure essentials you need to pack, when thinking about travelling abroad: 1 – Firstly you need to have a small-ish rucksack which replaces your suitcase when travelling as it will allow you to move around easier and you will have less to worry about losing 2 – Passport and backup photos of ID, its always a good bet to carry this around with you because things do go wrong… quite a lot. 3 – Backup cash if thing go wrong. 4 – Towel is a necessary item no matter where you go, try and get a microfiber towel, as it would take up less space. 5 – Socks...
How to learn A Language Twice As Fast: Learning languages is key to making the most out of your time abroad as it allows you to learn new things, discover amazing stuff you would have missed otherwise and it allows you to immerse yourself in the culture of the place you visit. The first step into learning a language faster it to identify your goals and to set realistic ones. There is no point setting a goal of learning a completely new language in 5 minutes because it will not happen and you will just get discouraged, at the same point there is no point setting a target of learning one new word within 1 year as that progress is...